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Pelvic Floor Strong system by Alex Miller is a complete workout and fitness guide for women, helping them gain their strength and stamina back.


by Alex Miller

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Introducing the Pelvic Floor Strong System

Total Core and Pelvic Floor Repair Method
This comprehensive program reveals one never-before-seen upper body stretch to alleviate “peek leaks”.
Pelvic Floor Strong contains pelvic health research and relaxing pilates inspired movement designed to effectively build a strong core and pelvic floor. In just minutes a day you can set yourself up for success, naturally.
➢ Secret and confidential
➢ Convenient and time efficient, the exercises can be done anywhere
➢ Provides fast relief and no downtime
➢ Effective and science-based
➢ Relaxing and stress relieving
➢ Designed for all levels of fitness

Here Are Some of the Benefits They Are Seeing

Bye Bye Vaginal Bulging
➢ Strengthen your pelvic floor to be able to support your internal organs.
Improves Confidence
➢ Feel empowered, sexy and whole so that you can focus your time deepening your relationships with your girlfriends and family.
Improves Abdominal Tone
➢ Flatten your belly and strengthen your core without having to get down on the floor or even change into workout clothes.
Gives Bladder And Bowel Control
➢ Play with your grandchildren in the backyard without wet spots on the seat of your pants.
Makes Sex Feel Good Again
➢ Improve your vaginal health and sensitivity so you can continue to enjoy intimate time with your spouse.
Plus Much More
➢ The benefits are endless!
Improves Posture and Balance
➢ Feel more energized and relaxed while looking fabulous in your clothes.
Alleviates Back and Hip Pain
➢ Improve your core stability while living pain-free and strong.

Why do people want to stop their bladder leakage?

✲ Jump, laugh and sneeze again without “pee leaks”
✲  Deepen your relationships with family and friends
✲  Run around with the kids and grandchildren in the backyard again
✲ Live an active, ache free lifestyle
✲ Feel great in the department store dressing room mirror again
✲ Be able to go on long walks without having to be close to the bathroom
✲ No longer have to carry an extra pair of underwear in your purse
✲ Flatten your belly and strengthen your core
✲ Strengthen your vaginal walls for better intimacy
✲ Feel confident, sexy and empowered

What’s Included with Pelvic Floor Strong?

Pelvic Floor Strong includes videos, guides, and other materials. You get everything you need to strengthen your pelvic floor. If you buy the digital version of the program, then these products are delivered digitally. If you buy the physical version of the program, then these products are delivered in the forms of DVDs and printed guides.

The complete Pelvic Floor Strong program includes all of the following:
➢ Pelvic Floor Strong Introductory Video: In this introductory video, Alex walks you through the exercises, techniques, and strategies you can use to strengthen your pelvic floor and target pelvic floor issues. She introduces the program, explains some of the science behind it, and explains the next steps.

➢ Pelvic Floor Strong Information Manual: This guide includes step-by-step instructions, descriptions of each movement or exercise, and other recommended therapies for women who want to strengthen their pelvic floor.

➢ Diastasis Recti Improvement Checklist: Also known as ‘the pooch,’ diastasis recti is the noticeable extension of the belly after childbirth. Your abdominal muscles separated from each other during childbirth, giving you a noticeable pooch. This handbook explains how to reduce the pooch, flatten your tummy, and make women of any age feel as beautiful as possible. You tick off items on the checklist as you follow the program.

➢ Flat Belly Fast Exercise Video: In this 10-minute video, Alex explains the best abdominal exercises you can use to tighten and flatten your belly. These abdominal exercises are not the crunches and similar movements you see in other programs. They’re specifically chosen to be “diastasis safe” while avoiding back pain.

➢ Flat Belly Fast Manual: You also receive a digital guide (or physical guide) for Flat Belly Fast. You can follow this guide for step-by-step instructions on flattening your belly and targeting your pooch.

➢ Back to Life 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video: Alex has teamed up with her friend Emily Lark to offer one more bonus guide: a guide to stretches that could give you a pain-free life. Emily teaches you stretches, exercises, movements, and workouts you can perform to get a pain-free life.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Strong

➢ This program is the set of keys you’ve been waiting for to a live happy, healthy life
➢ Pelvic Floor Strong strengthens your pelvic floor... Puts intimacy back in your life, giving you self-confidence, while making sex feel good again.
➢ This is the only program out there that improves leaking and diastasis recti with the consideration of layer syndrome.
➢ All you need is the 3-movement sequence I designed to efficiently improve your body without cutting into your valuable time.
➢ It’s going to give you the secrets to belly flattening, diastasis improving and a strong pelvic floor.
➢ Pelvic Floor Strong alleviates lower back and hip pain, while correcting your posture with the quick pec stretch variations I have simply laid out for you.
➢ It stops your anxiety and depression and lets you fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night.

Contact Pelvic Floor Strong

Pelvic Floor Strong’s customer service team is available by email, phone, or online form. You can contact the team with questions, concerns, or refund requests.

Contact Details: Pelvic Floor Strong
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-866-460-6008 





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